Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bear Wedding Cake Toppers | Beautiful Wedding Cakes

Your wedding should be uniquely you. You choose your wedding dress, time of year and the theme of your wedding. There is absolutely no need for a "traditional" marriage if that's not what you want. Your wedding may take place on the beach in a bathing suit if that's what you choose. Similarly, the wedding cake topper can be a very "personal" In addition to your wedding cake. It may be a reflection of your life, whether in a serious or comic. It is entirely up to you what you choose, after all, is your wedding.

You have undoubtedly seen the traditional wedding cake, with the stern and solemn husband and wife-to-be standing on the top layer. The bride always wore white and the groom was dressed in a black tuxedo. Without doubt, unless you really look like "Barbie and Ken", this ornament traditional wedding cake is not a reflection of you and your partner to be. You are no longer bound by the stereotypical bride and bridegroom.

The wedding cake topper today is a welcome break from the tradition and if you wish, you can make your life or passion truly reflects the receipt of your guests to see.